Saturday, March 10, 2012

Endomondo...I think I love you!

It sounds like the name of an exotic latin workout trainer. I suppose in a way it is, but not in the fun way I would really enjoy or fantasize about (no offense to my hubby intended).  This is an app I found on my phone.  I think it was one of the Sprint featured  apps a few months ago.  I downloaded it and never really looked at it. Then a couple of weeks ago I was cleaning out my apps because I was running low on storage space and found it again.  I decided to keep it.  I tried it out on my walk around the neighborhood last night and LOVE IT!!!

It is a free app (you can upgrade to paid app if you want to) that will track your activity - route and distance walked, duration, average speed, calories burned.  It's really great for when you are not using your treadmill.  Now that spring is coming and I can walk around the neighborhood or on my lunch break (until the blast-furnace of summer arrives) and this is the perfect way to keep track of my activity!

And just a disclaimer, this is a screen photo from the website....I don't "run".

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