"It's time to get on the treadmill, hon."
"I don't want to."
"I'm sorry, you need to."
"Nooooooo, I said I don't want to."
"I know you said you don't want to. It's only 30 minutes. If you just go get it done then you can play on the computer for a bit before bed."
"I want ice cream."
"You can have some ice cream after you get done on the treadmill."
(Stomps off, grumbling under my breath....stupid tradmill, I hate you. It's not fair....goes on for 28 minutes.)
Then "ok, maybe this wasn't soooooo bad - but I am not going to tell HER that!!!"
Seriously, it is just ridiculous that I have to play such mind games with myself to get my fat ass up off the couch and get moving for a measly 30 minutes. I am sad that I let myself get to this point. I hate that this is such hard work to make these monumental changes in my life. I am frustrated that I am not happy with the results I have gotten so far. I think it sucks that I keep hitting these plateaus on the scale and I keep seeing nearly the same big stupid number every day. I wish I knew what to change to get the "recipe for success" I so deeply desire. I keep telling myself all the cliches...."Slow and steady", "It's a marathon, not a sprint", "I am making a lifestyle change, not just dieting". And rest assured, I am not giving up. I just need to vent.
I know this is a Debbie Downer kind of post. I'm sorry but I did vow to myself be real with this blog when I created it. I want to show you that it's not all sunshine and roses and easy happy days. I am a real person and I have good and bad days just like everyone else. I hope to have more good days than bad, but I believe that by sharing experiences and being a support system, we give ourselves power and strength. So thanks for letting me vent. I am the type of person that needs to "blow and go" every now and then. I need to vent, scream, yell, cry, stomp and get it all out and then I can move on to a new day. Thanks for your support and encouragement. Now let's get the duct tape and shut that little brat up! I'm gonna go eat my ice cream! :-)
This has been me for a year. It is like not just anger but revenge