Monday, July 2, 2012

Wine-o! May I see your license please, ma'am?

So today was totally a Monday!  Our refrigerator had started not working so well this weekend so I scheduled a repair call for this morning.  I was excited to have gotten in so quickly!  There is where I should have figured out that it was not going to be that smooth!  Nothing in my life is EVER that easy!

Snag # 1 - I had too many meetings and things on my to-do list today to take a vacation day to deal with this fridge fiasco.  Ok, no problem.  Onto plan work from home.  The repair call was scheduled in the 8-12 "window.  Easy-peasy.  I only had one meeting on my calendar for the morning from 10-11.  Well of course I am sure you can all guess when he showed up??  Yup, 10am.  Fortunately it was a somewhat flexible meeting, so it worked out.  

Snag # 2 - It only took the repair guy less than 15 minutes to diagnose the problem.  How is that a snag you ask??  Well the snag is in that it only took him that long to tell me that our fridge is pretty old and the repair would cost nearly half the price of a nice new one (or almost the full price of a cheap new one!)....YIKES!

Snag #3 - so off to the local home improvement store over my lunch for a quick shopping trip.  But I had to go make a deposit at the bank before I could go shopping for such a large purchase.  And After I left I found that I left without my debit card I needed.  So back to the house.  Oh and I forgot to measure.  Yeah, better do that.  My luck I would buy a new fridge and the silly thing would be too big and not fit. 

Snag # 4 - of course the store I went to didn't have the color of the model I wanted in stock!  Again, that would be far too easy.  So the friendly sales clerk checked and found that the East store had one.  So he just ordered it from there for me.  I paid for my unexpected purchase and crossed my fingers that the old fridge could be kept on life support long enough for the new one to arrive.

Snag #5  - of course my immediate gratification desire couldn't be fulfilled.  They couldn't deliver it today :-( Grrrrrrrrr!  Ok, so we're playing Russian roulette with a dying fridge, which of course is packed full of food.... awesome.  Ok, fine so they guarantee next day delivery, so it will have to do.

Snag # 6 - he said they would call to setup a delivery time for tomorrow.  As the clock rolled to about 3:15 and I still hadn't received a call, something in my gut told me to call the east store and ask them to schedule it.  The gal that answered the phone looked up my order (after asking for numbers and information that was NOT on the receipt copy I got) and told me that there was no way I was getting the fridge that was ordered tomorrow.....what?!?!?!  Uh yeah, the helpful sales guy must have been having a Monday too, because instead of ordering the stock one from the east store he fat-fingered the keys and instead placed a special order....which takes about a week to be sent from the warehouse to the store.  Scheduled for arrival....7/12. Uh yeah, Houston we have a problem!

Snag #7 - so to fix snag # 6, the original order needed to be cancelled and re-ordered with the correct in-stock item so it could be delivered tomorrow.  Ok sounds simple enough...of course it wasn't!  They had to credit the sale amount back to my card.  Which as anyone that has ever returned a purchase knows wasn't immediate (sidebar....I am really curious why it's ok to IMMEDIATELY charge my card for a purchase but it is ok for them to take 2-3 days to credit money BACK on my card.....ugh!!!!).  So I needed another big amount of money on my card to make purchase #2 until the first was credited back.  Thank goodness for savings!!!  

Snag # 8 - so the correct order was finally placed so now it's time to schedule the delivery.  She asked if the 12-5 "window" would be ok.  Uh no, not really.  I have a dead fridge, can you please do the morning?  So she asked a manager.  Nope they were 2 trucks down and already overbooked for the morning.  Awesome.  Of course you are.  Sure, afternoon would be peachy.

Snag # 9 - of course tonight the old fridge was losing the life support battle.  It was getting worse by the minute.  Walk away from the light!!  It's not your time yet!  Who knows if the thing will listen or go peacefully while I sleep.  So we moved as much of the critical and sensitive food as possible to the dorm fridge in my office and the frozen items out to the deep freeze as we could.

So all said, mamma was a wee bit stressed by the end of the day and really needed a drink.  So I opted for a compromise....First, I acknowledged that normally I would be tearing through the kitchen, stress eating everything in sight.  But I wasn't doing that this time.  I was dealing with it all.  Huh, what a novel concept.  That was success # 1.  

Success # 2 was when I took some "me time" (didn't ask the fam first, I just did) on the treadmill first to work off some of my frustration.  Wow, who would have thunk that not only would I not eat when stressed, but I would choose exercise as my outlet?  CRAZY!!!  Another indicator that I really have come a long way in this journey!

Success # 3 was in the fact that I still cooked dinner.  It was waaaaaaaay late (I didn't start cooking until after I was done on the treadmill, so the poor people didn't eat until 8:15!).  But again, instead of dwelling on my failure as a mom and wife, I will celebrate the fact that I made them a healthy dinner instead of going to the fast-food drive through as I would have a year ago!

So I decided that after the day I'd had that I had earned a glass of wine!  So I enjoyed a glass while on the deck grilling chicken for the fam's dinner. that is relaxing!

Success # 4 is that I that I made a "healthy choice" here....I opted for the std size wine glass instead of my jumbo size snowman one (that I think may hold a half a bottle of wine!) lol. I take the wins when I can get them! :o)  And yes, I logged the calories on is a great "snack".

So in case you were wondering where the "may I see your license" reference comes in during this lengthy (and prob boring) story....that is success # 5....No, I wasn't drinking and driving.  I was home safe and sound.  I am trilled to say that I have hit another milestone this week.  I have made it under my driver's license weight!!!!  As most women are well aware, a driver's license weight is usually SEVERAL pounds less than a woman actually weighs.  I think the last time I renewed mine I felt a twang of guilt and upped my number to something slightly more reasonable, but inaccurate none the less.  But I am thrilled to announce that I now weigh LESS than my driver's licence thinks I do!  Wooooooo hooooo!

So again, I remind you to celebrate your successes.  This battle is mostly mental.  The more you stay in a good, place and embrace the positive, the better off you will be.   So in closing, I leave you with this thought...

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  1. I found your blog thru a comment you posted to Chris Powells Facebook post and I am glad I did! This post was great and a fabulous reminder that we can be our own worst enemy if we let ourself. I'll be following your posts. Thanks!

  2. Thank you so much Kathryn!!! I just love Chris' show! I watched it while I was doing my stress relief workout in fact lol. I am so glad you like the post and the blog. Make sure you sign up at the top right of the page to receive updates via email....that way you get the new posts emailed right to you and don't have to miss a thing! :o)

  3. just curious, did your fridge make it through the night? LoL I'm laughing but I'm and I think after a day like this, I would have broke down and used the "snowman" glass!

  4. Valerie, I forgot to respond to sorry! Yes the fridge did make it through the night and until delivery the next day....barely. Thankfully we had a small dorm fridge to put the critical items in...milk, yogurt, etc. and a little room left in our deep freeze for the important items there. There was still a fiasco even after the new fridge was only came with 2 instead of 4 screws needed to put the handles on. So we only had one handle for over a week. I had to call the store about 6 times and got to the point where I would only speak to the store manager to get any action....sooooo frustrating! But it is all fixed now. I prob should have gone for the "snowman" glass :o)
